CLUSTER BIG: una call per...
Il Cluster BIG, come annunciato nell’ assemblea del 29.04, lancia una “call for proposals” che ha l’ obiettivo di favorire…
Il Cluster BIG, come annunciato nell’ assemblea del 29.04, lancia una “call for proposals” che ha l’ obiettivo di favorire…
Marevivo, Accademia Kronos, CETRI-TIRES, CoMISMA, Fise Unicircular , Fondazione Symbola, Fondazione Univerde, Greenpeace, Italia Nostra, Kyoto Club, LAV, Legambiente, Lipu-Birdlife…
The ECHO group at the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) has announced four open full-time positions for postdocs within the…
The Mediterranean research conglomerates MISTRALS and MedECC have announced a major three-day conference in 2020 for all decision-makers of the Mediterranean countries, hosted by Aix-Marseille…
Access of EuroMarine early career researchers to resources and services of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre The first-ever Joint…