Please submit the questions in English at:


Question 19

I briefly examined the instruction you provided, but I did not find any indications about the required format for references. Could you kindly provide some clarifications?

Answer 19: There are no explicit requirements regarding the format for references. Each applicant may organize the format according to  the instructions of the Scientific Journal where they intend to submit the manuscript after the Faranda Prize.

Question 18

On both “Application Form” and “Author Declaration Sheet” you ask for Full Address, but it is not clear (at least for me) if you need the address of the Institution or the personal current address of the author.
Answer 18: We need the address  where you want to receive mail.

Question 17:

… even if my study is still unpublished, I have already submitted the abstract of such study to the poster section of a conference (in detail to the SGI-SIMP conference that will be on September 2014). Since the call for the Faranda Prize does not mention incompatibility between EUROCEAN2014 – CoNISMa Side Event and other conferences, do I have the possibility to submit to the “Faranda Prize 2014″ the same work that I submitted to a previous conference?

Answer 17: Yes, you can apply for the Faranda Prize. Nevertheless we have to inform you that the Evaluation Panel could ask you clarification about the poster you have already submitted  in order to assess the accordance with the call.

Question 16:

Furthermore in the “author declaration sheet” every author in the paper at the same way must provide some information, like the name of the organization and his studies. Since I don’t work for any organization and I don’t have a PhD could this jeopardize the results of the prize?

Answer 16: No, it can’t jeopardize the results of the prize. The Evaluation Panel will evaluate the scientific articles submitted according to the criteria described in the Art. 6 of the Call.

Question 15:

I mean I’m collaborating with some researchers in writing the paper, but at the moment I don’t have a job at any Universities or any other organizations, can I be the applicant for the Faranda prize or it is better someone else to submit the paper and register for the prize?

Answer 15: You can be the applicant of the Faranda Prize. The requisites mandatory for the applicants are those of Art. 2 of the Call. We remind you that the prize is destined for young researchers engaged in interdisciplinary research and, preferably, with a holistic approach, in the field of Marine Sciences.

Question 14:

My doubt is also about the organization: is it mandatory?

Answer 14: No, it isn’t.

Question 13:

About the abstract, is it mandatory at the moment of the registration? Could it be provided by the deadline of July 31st when the paper must be submitted?

Answer 13: According to then Art. 4 of the Call, the application Form, including the abstract, must by submitted by May 31st, 2014. The length of the text must be 2000 characters, including spaces. The original scientific article must be delivered non later than July 31st 2014. It is possible modify the abstract of the final paper but the core research can’t be modify. We remind you that the Evaluation Panel will be nominated by the European Marine Board, according to the suggestions of scientific profiles drafted by the Scientist in Charge, based on the topics of the received abstracts.

Question 12:

During the registration the applicant must provide some information, I guess these are the same reported in the “sample application form”, correct?”

Answer 12: Yes, it is correct. The “sample application form” makes the e-form easier to fill in.

Question 11:

Shall the abstract presented at the moment of the preliminar application (by the 31th of May) be definitive or could it be modified in the final paper submission (by the 31th of July)?

Answer 11: It is possible modify the abstract of the final paper but the core research can’t be modify. We remind you that the Evaluation Panel will be nominated by the European Marine Board, according to the suggestions of scientific profiles drafted by the Scientist in Charge, based on the topics of the received abstracts.

Question 10:
The problem is that the selected participants won’t know if they have been selected until September 26. If the conference is October 9, we won’t have time to organize the trip to Rome (only 13 days before the conference). I am currently doing a postdoc in USA, so it will be difficult to me to attend if you don’t tell me this in advance. The 10 selected participant will receive a reimbursement of the trip?
Answer 10:
Unfortunately the date of the communication can’t be modified and there is no reimbursement for your trip. Moreover, we remind you that the first authors of the top 10 articles will be awarded grants of 500 euros each.

Question 9:
Can we give the talk through Skype in case we don’t have time to attend the Conference?
Answer 9:
According to Art. 3 – Prize and Grants of the Call: …The attendance to the Conference is mandatory to receive the award; in case of unavailability of the applicant, delegation to co-authors is allowed.
We will evaluate the possibility to give the presentation through Skype. In any case, please note that the 10 selected participants can receive the 500 euros grant only if they attend the Conference.

Question 8:
It is mandatory to go there and give the talk about your article. Is that right?
Answer 8:
According to Art. 3 – Prize and Grants of the Call: …A subset of the top 10 articles will be selected by the Evaluation Panel for invitation to give oral presentations during the side event on October 9, 2014, before the final award decision.

Question 7:
According to the call, only the 10 selected participants have to go to the Eurocean2014 conference, right?
Answer 7:
According to Art. 3 – Prize and Grants of the Call: “…the first authors of the top 10 articles will be awarded grants of 500 euros each, and will have free registration for the Rome EUROCEAN2014 Conference…”.

Question 6:
Have you a journal associated with the Prize?
Answer 6:
No, we haven’t. You can choose the journal you prefer for publishing your paper.

Question 5:
“…we have to present an original paper about our research, ok, but when the Faranda Prize is over we will be able to present the work in a journal?”
Answer 5:
According to “Art. 2 – Requirements for participation” of the Call:
“e) The manuscript must be published in scientific journals only after its presentation at EUROCEAN2014 – CoNISMa Side Event, with the requirement to include the following sentence in the acknowledgements: “The first author of this research has received the 2014 Faranda Prize award, a commemorative initiative in honour of Francesco Maria Faranda, founder of CoNISMa, the National Interuniversity Consortium of Universities for Marine Sciences (Rome-Italy)”.

We also suggest you consult CoNISMa/Faranda Prize/FAQ – Question 1.

Question 4:
I would like to submit a paper for the FARANDA Prize 2014, but just yesterday I submitted the same paper to a scientific journal. Could you please tell me if I can participate?
Answer 4:
This question has been already proposed. We suggest you to consult CoNISMa/Faranda Prize/FAQ – Question 1.

Question 3:
Can I submit to Faranda Prize a paper which is already under revision in a scientific journal?
Answer 3:
This question has been already asked.  We suggest you consult CoNISMa/Faranda Prize/FAQ – Question 1.

Question 2:
What do you mean with “young researcher”? Is he/she a post-doc, a group leader or both categories are allowed to apply? Which is the age limit to apply for the prize?
According to Art. 2 – Requirements for participation of the Call:
Answer 2:
a) Eligible applicants must have been born after December 31st, 1973. The above-mentioned condition should be self-certified upon submission of the application form and will be verified before the definitive award.
Please note that:
“the applicant must be the first author of the submitted manuscript. The same person will be required to illustrate the research by an oral presentation at the EUROCEAN2014 – CoNISMa Side Event (Art. 2, b)”;
it must include a “statement of responsibility” specifying, in case of multi-authored articles, each author’s contribution. In addition, it must clearly point out that the applicant played a leading role in design, execution, and writing of the submitted work (Art. 2, d)”

Question 1:
I have submitted my last manuscript in March 2014, and it is under review right now.
Since it hasn’t been published yet, and on condition that it won’t be published before October 2014, is it valid for the “Faranda Prize 2014” call?

Answer 1:

According to Article n. 2 of the Call of Faranda Prize “the manuscript must be published in scientific journals only after its presentation at EUROCEAN2014 – CoNISMa Side Event”. Therefore, the manuscript must be unpublished at the date of the 9th of October, 2014.
When published, the awarded manuscript must include the acknowledgements to Faranda Prize as specifically indicated in the Call text.