Programma Interreg Italia-Croatia
FAIRSEA: Fisheries in the AdriatIc Region a Shared Ecosystem Approach
SASPAS: Safe Anchoring and Seagrass Protection in the Adriatic Sea
Programma IPA Adrion
CRADLES Creating Resilient Areas to Develop Lifecycles and Ecosistem Services
SAMESEA SustainAble Management of marinE Sentinel spEcies and human Activities interaction
Programma Adrion
SEAVIEW: SEctor Adaptive VIrtual Early Warning System for marine pollution
Programma Interreg Italia-Albania-Montenegro
WELCOME: WatEr LandsCapes sustainability thrOugh reuse of Marine littEr
Programma Interreg EURO MED
Programma Interreg MED
AMAre PLUS: Actions for Marine Protected Areas PLUS
AMAre: Action for Marine Protected Areas
Blueislands: Seasonal variation of waste as an effect of tourism
FishMPABlue2: Fishing governance in MPAs: potentialities for Blue Economy